Book Review: The Dry

Title: The Dry

Author: Jane Harper



Federal Agent Aaron Falk arrives in his hometown for the first time in decades to attend the funeral of his best friend, Luke. Amid the worst drought in a century, Falk and the local detective question what really happened to Luke. As Falk reluctantly investigates to see if there’s more to Luke’s death than there seems to be, long-buried mysteries resurface, as do the lies that have haunted them. And Falk will find that small towns have always hidden big secrets.

(Synopsis is taken from Goodreads page. I changed it a little bit).

After only a few pages, I completely fell into the story. How could I not? The reader soon discovers, that there is something else going on, not just a story we read about. And that things aren’t the way they seem.

Location, where the story unfolds, makes everything more interesting and intense. A drought increases the tension in sleepy little town and it also supposes to be the cause of double murder and suicide. It’s a story about a small town with their typical inhabitants, where everyone knows everyone and where the past is never forgotten but it’s also affecting present even thoug people try to escape it.

It’s the same with federal agent Falk who tried to escape his past by leaving the town and moving to the big city but he’s back for the funeral of his best friend. Now Falk has to deal with unexpected death, his past and it’s secrets. Falk is not one of the most interesting detectives I read about. Actually, none of the characters stood out in any way. They are extremely good or bad. Those in between are almost irrelevant and do not have too much influence on the story. Falk as a character seems rather plain and it’s difficult for a reader to create an opinion about him. We can learn the most about his character from the records of his youth when he is described by his friends.

But the story was still tense enough for me, that I keep reading with interest. It was a quick read that kept me in tension until I read it. The ending was maybe a little bit unexpected because I surely didn’t foresee such an ending. Still, it was good enough that I will read another book about Falk.


Book Review: Slade House

Title: Slade House

Author: David Mitchell24500887


In London, in the Slade Valley, is where you can find a Slade House. However, the usual passers-by can’t see it. Slade House opens its doors every nine years, for a chosen person. This person is invited to enter the Slade House by its two strange residents, brother and sister, who carefully choose, who will visit them.

Though, the chosen one does not enjoy in a visit for a long time and also can’t leave the Slade House just like that.

This is the first book that I read from the author Mitchell and certainly not the last. And this review will probably be short but I really don’t want to talk about the book too much or spoil anything.

The book is quite short and in each new chapter, there is a new character. It all begins in 1979 when the boy enters the house, and the story ends in 2015. So, every nine years a new person enters the house with his own life story and discover the secrets behind the Slade House.

Each story reveals more about the Slade House and mystery behind it and each story creates more tension which towards the end of the book only intensify. It’s amazing how all characters are well developed, despite their diversity and shortness of the chapters. The book really isn’t long, neither are chapters but it’s still really well written. I was hooked right from the first page, from the first story. But with each new character, I wanted to know more.

The ending was unexpected for me but rather average for a book like that. Considering the plot before, I expected something else, something more unique. But despite everything, it was a solid conclusion.

For me, it was not spooky at all, even though this is a horror book. Yes, there were moments that were creepy but otherwise, this book is more of a fun and intense read that you can’t put down.

Slade House was a pleasant introduction to Mitchell’s writing and I can’t wait to read something else by him.

Rating: 4/5 stars

Did you read Slade House or any other book by David Mitchell? What are your thoughts about it?



Book Review: The Letter for the King

Title: The Letter for the King

Author: Tonke Dragt18113445

Young Tiuri is getting ready for a grand ceremony where he will become a knight. He just has to pass the last test with three other boys and spend the night in silence and isolation. However, they are disrupted by knocking on the door and Tiuri breaks a rule and opens the door. He accepts the request of a stranger, to deliver a mysterious letter for the Black Knight with the White Shield. He leaves his friends and goes searching for Black Knight but when he finally finds him, he’s dying. Tiuri promises him he would deliver a letter to King Unauwen in a neighboring realm.

But soon, the Red Riders who also want a letter, start chasing him. Tiuri finds himself in an incredible adventure, full of intrigues, danger, and betrayals.

What a wonderful books this was!

This book is written for younger readers, which was rather obvious from the writing style but I really didn’t mind. Dialogues are simple, also situations are presented clearly and characters are very black and white. This is particularly obvious in situations where there could (should) be a violence. The author avoids the violent situations, despite the fact that reader is expecting some bloody situations. After all, this is a book about knights who want to destroy a kingdom and Tiuri.

While reading I often smiled at the naivete of the situations and their outcome – unravellings of the events are simple and always in a favor of the main protagonist. I’m really not used to it (yes, I’m looking at you, George R.R. Martin!) because in adult fantasy books there’s a lot of deaths and the hero can’t only rely on his/her good instinct and belief that all people are good and will help him/her.

Like I already said, the characters are presented black and white. Where the author wants that reader would not trust the first impression, it’s clearly displayed that way. Characters are good or they’re evil. There really is nothing in between. There are the ones who help Tiuri and those who hinder his way.

Tiuri is clever and truly nice main character. At times a little naive but charming. His kindness and faith in people are incredible. This book as well shows an incredible friendship between him and Piak. It was truly amazing reading about such a bond.

I would say that this book is perfect for younger readers who want to get into fantasy books. For slightly older readers it may be a little too simple and easy. But if you have in mind for whom this book is intended, it still can be an amazing read. The writing style is beautiful despite being simple. It’s a book about good and evil, where it’s obvious that good will win at the end. But that really doesn’t spoil the pleasure of reading.

I just can’t wait for next book!

Rating: 4/5 stars


Book Review: Fly on the Wall

Title: Fly on the Wall: How one girl saw everything

Author: E. Lockhartmuha

Gretchen Yee is attending Manhattan School of Art and Music but she feels like she can’t fit in. Everyone else is standing out, they are different and special and she’s just a completely normal teenage girl. Even in a classroom, she’s not standing out, her teacher thinks she shouldn’t drawing just comics.

She’s in love with Titus but is too shy to do anything. And even her best friend Katya is preoccupied with other things and doesn’t have time for her anymore recently.

So one day, Gretchen wishes she could be a fly on the wall in boy’s locker room. She could learn more about boys, what they really like and how do they think.

I read this book for one of my reading challenges. It really surprised me, in a good way. I thought it would be just another typical YA book, cheesy and full of cliches. But it was nicely written and full of humor.

As a synopsis tells, it’s about a girl named Gretchen who turns into a fly in boy’s locker room. She’s stuck there and has to spend a few days trapped there. Observing through the eyes of a fly was fantastic. It was funny and felt real. Above all, I truly identified with the fly because I would felt exactly the same in her skin.

The story remains realistic all the way and reader actually believes what’s written. Even when she has transformed into a fly, I believed it and never wondered why did it happen.

If I thought this book would be just another one of many similar teenager books, and that it will not stand out, I was wrong. The author perfectly demonstrates how it is to be a teenager and how young people (and older maybe) feel in their skin. Even more, she shows us, that boys are not different at all! Describing all the details of boy’s bodies, their hairiness (or lack of hair), pimples on their asses – it was fun to read about it. I really think it’s great for young girls who doesn’t have experiences with boys, that they can learn, boys are not just some “confident gods” as many thinks but they also have flaws and their own insecurities.

The process from shy and unnoticeable Gretchen to Gretchen the Fly, who is observing the most intimate parts of guys without shame and with a lot of pleasure and who becomes a real naughty girl, is amazing and unique. And why not? Why should only guys look at girls in a sexual way? Why shouldn’t girls also objectify guys and wondering what’s hiding in their pants? After all, it’s normal we all have the same thoughts. But it’s pity that only boys can act that way but it’s inappropriate if girls are talking about it. But it’s different in this book which I support completely.

All the characters are typical high school teenagers, with whom the reader can identify easily. But Gretchen really stands out because she’s just an average, sweet and nicely confused girl.

I’m happy I get a chance to read this book. It was short but entertaining read.

Rating: 4/5 stars

Did you read this book? What did you think about it? Please, comment below.


Book Review: Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Title: Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Author: Laini Taylor8490112

Karou is a high school student who attends art school in Prague. In her sketchbook, she’s drawing most unusual creatures with animal and human body parts. Her friends admire her artwork and her imagination. However, Karou is not drawing things that would be made-up. She never had a human family and since her birth, she was raised by creatures she’s drawing.

Brimstone, demon and monster, who took over a role of her father, collects animal and human teeth, but he doesn’t want to tell her why. Karou is curious about her past and she starts to discover more about it, when burned palm prints start to appear around the world, left there by angels. One of them is Akiva, who is particularly interested in Karou.

Years ago, I was seeing this book everywhere, but I was not interested in reading it. Last time, I saw it in my local library and said, why not? I borrowed it, read it and I was pleasantly surprised.

I liked the main character Karou because she was strong, independend and had a strong character. Nevertheless, the author didn’t exaggerate with her strong character – her loneliness and questioning about her past made her vulnerable and even more interesting.

At first, I was unimpressed by Akiva, because he seemed too cold but later, I changed my opinion about him. In the second half of the book, when his story begins to reveal and when I learned about his life and loss, I started to like him and understand better, why he acts so untouchable.

The story pulled me in from the start. Brimstone and the rest of the characters were interesting and certainly I wanted to learn more about them and their role in the world. What bothered me were small plot holes. It was strange that the events did not have (almost) no impact in the world. Yes, the author mentioned that people were started seeing angels and considered it as miracles. But still, I thought was strange, when Karou and Akiva were fighting and a crowd, watching this faith, remained completely passive. For me, this was unbelievable and quite unrealistic.

Not to mention the reaction of Karou best friend Zuzana, when she tells her about her past. Zuzana just accepted her story without questioning, like it’s something totally natural to have a best friend who hangs out with angel and strange monsters. Yeah… we all have a friend like that.

When I started with the second half of the book, I was skeptical. It was boring at the start and I was not convinced about a love story of Akiva and Madrigal. However, both stories connected really well at the end and altogether turned out completely unexpected.

I was surprised that romance was so in the foreground in this book and love at fist sight seemed to me far-fetched in both cases. I understand that it happens once, but not twice. Sorry. Nevertheless, I didn’t mind about romance scenes because of beautiful, poetic language and it was not cheesy at all. So, it was ok.

I liked this book so much, that I will continue with next book in this trilogy. I really want to find out what will happen between Karou and Akiva and how the fight between angels and demons ends.

Rating: 4/5 stars

Have you read this book? What are your thoughts about it? Does the trilogy get even better?



Book Review: City of Lost Souls

Title: City of Lost Souls

Author: Cassandra Clare8755776

Despite the fact that the demon Lilith was defeated in a bloody battle, Clary, Jace, and others cannot enjoy happiness. Because of Lilith’s magic, are Jace and his brother Sebastian inseparable bounded and missing. The Clave is looking for both but they are aware of truth – they can’t harm one, without destroying the other. Clary is determined to find a solution and is trying to find Jace on her own, while Alec, Magnus, Isabelle and Simon ask demons for help.

I was so glad, that this book was better than the previous one. The story was still focused on Clary and Jace but they were more in the background and other characters came into the front. Reading about others was so much more interesting and despite the fact there is still too much drama in their lives for my taste, I still prefer reading about them and their love life than about Clary and Jace. I still like Simon and Magnus the most, though even their relationship became too complicated. Mostly because of Alec who become really strange and his behavior in a relationship was unacceptable for me and I wasn’t surprised at all about the disentanglement at the end. I also liked Maia and Jordan, although they were too immature at times. If I would have to choose one character from this series who has never annoyed me while reading, I would easily choose Magnus. The reason is probably his immortality and all the experience that he got during that time. All the others are childish, they are whining all the time and mindlessly getting into impossible and stupid situations.

I never liked Clary and also in this book she hasn’t left the best impression. Her immaturity, her love for Jace and her blindly worshiping of him really got on my nerves. I don’t understand why in almost each chapter, I had to read about his breathtaking beauty and his chiseled body – yes, I understood he’s hot the first time. There is no need to repeat yourself (if these descriptions would be thrown from the book, I assume that it would be at least 50 pages shorter).

I also felt uncomfortable while reading about Sebastian’s flattering to Clary. I don’t mind reading about sexual allusions, but he’s her brother! Eww!

At least the story was better than in a previous book. More action, a lot was going on and I liked how individual elements linked to one another in the end. Sebastian made this story more interesting and even though he’s a villain, I like his character. Ok, with an exception of seducing Clary (which I already mentioned but I can’t get this out of my head).

This book was not bad but I would enjoy more if there would not be all the teenage drama, which bored me. I understand that it’s probably necessary to include some romantic conflicts to make things more interesting but seriously in this series everything is complicated. Nobody can be just happy. I am glad, that I’m almost finished with the series because almost all characters get on my nerves and the story is no longer able to weight out their stupidity.

The end of a book was great because nothing shocking happened and I can wait with reading next book for a while. But probably I won’t because I still want to know how everything will end. And I really want to finish this series.

Rating: 4/5 stars

What did you think about the book City of Lost Souls? Did you like characters and story?



Book Review: Max

Title: Max

Author: Sarah Cohen – Scali28231016

Max is a fetus inside a blonde and blue-eyed German mother. His father is also German and influential figure in the German army. However, there was no love between them, they served to one purpose only – to conceive a child in a Nazi program “Lebensborn” (Fountains of Youth). The purpose of the program was, to conceived as many purebred Aryan children who will become the future leaders of the Third Reich.

Already as a fetus, Max is aware of this and he’s not attached to his parents at all – he thinks that Germany is his mother and Hitler his father. Since his conception, he wants to become a concept of the Aryan race and he’s successful in this – he’s a first child born in a Lebensborn program and later he’s always an example to other children.

His unconditional trust in Reich begins to crumble when he become friend with Lukas – blue-eyed and blond Polish boy, who must hide he’s a Jew. Max starts asking questions and he’s beliefs begin to crumble.

I was attached to the story from beginning because of certain real historical facts and narrator of the story. I didn’t know much about Lebensborn program and I was drawn in this book because of this subject immediately.

Another thing which fascinated me was the narrator in this book. The story is told from Max’s point of view and he’s only a fetus in his mother’s abdomen when a story begins. And… how can somebody so small and who’s barely a fetus, can be so wicked already? However, in some strange way, I actually sympathized with him and felt sorry for him despite the fact he clearly showed signs of malice and that he was obviously brain-washed even before he was born!

Max is a perfect product of Lebensborn program (even before his birth). Even when he was still in a womb he was planning to become the best and one of those who will, in the future, help Hitler with his projects and their realization. I felt sad but in the same way it was somehow funny, reading about that kind of thoughts from an unborn child. And after his birth, Max was relieved because he was true Aryan not only by heart but he also looked like one. Blonde, blue-eyed, beautiful complexion and physically fitted all the measurements that were performed in the program. And precisely because of his physical qualities and deeply sympathizing with Nazism, Max is the one, who, from an early age helps in Reich.

If I was shocked at times, reading about all malicious thoughts that Max has as a fetus, I was even more shocked later, when he was a child participating in different actions. It’s hard to read about a child who enjoys in cruelty and is proud of himself and the things he’s doing, despite the fact, that innocent people are dying because of him.

Therefore, I was actually amazed by his immediate attachment to Lukas. Max has noticed Lukas because of his appearance but I was surprised that their friendship lasted even later when Max found out who Lukas really is. Nevertheless, Max still needed a lot of time to begin doubting in his Nazi beliefs and  realizing that many things they’re doing are wrong. In a way this is logical – you can’t change your beliefs and ideas over night especially not about something that you believed in it even before you were born.

Although, I found their relationship unusual and it didn’t convince me like it should. I didn’t understand why they are so attached to each other and what dragged them together. Their friendship made me confused.

I would definitely recommend this book to readers who want to read more about the history, about a Lebensborn program but they are not interested to read nonfiction. You still can learn a lot by reading this book.

Max is a book, which is, despite its difficult topic, written in a humorous way and it can be a quick read. Certainly, the most interesting part of this book is, that it’s written from a perspective of a little Nazi fanatic which fascinated me the most.

Rating: 4/5 stars

If you read this book, please, share your thoughts with me in comments! Or, if you have any other similar book recommendations.


Book review: Assassin’s Apprentice

Title: Assassin’s Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1)

Author: Robin Hobb219562191

The old man brings his six-year-old grandson to the entrance of Buckkeep Castle, where he leaves him, saying, that from now on, his father should take care of him. Nobody can’t deny that little boy is the bastard son of Prince Chivalry. Burrich, Chivalry’s stableman, takes care of him and learns him how to take care of animals. And boy soon discovers that he has the ability to connect with them – it’s a talent called The Wit.

When he came to the Buckkeep, he didn’t have a name but soon everyone calls him Fitz. He learns how to write, read and teach royal behavior. One day,  his grandfather King Shrewd sends him to his skilled assassin Chade – he will be his teacher because Fitz will become King’s man and will be trained as an assassin. Someday he will succeed Chade.

But Fitz is lonely in the castle, he doesn’t have any friends and most people despise him because he’s a bastard. In addition to his own problems, he is also faced with kingdom’s problems. From the outside, a kingdom is under attack by Outislanders and within the kingdom is a lot of intrigues, lies, and conflicts.

It’s been a while since I read such a good fantasy novel. The first half of the book was a little bit slow because a reader is getting know Fitz and his life on the court, but the other half is really tensed.

I liked Fitz from beginning and this sympathy has grown through the book. He is so likable, from beginning when he’s only a young boy who found himself in an environment where people are unfriendly. Due to similarities with his father, no one doubts that Prince Chivalry is his father, but still people are refusing and despise him and he becomes an object of derision. He finds his comfort in a friendship with animals, particularly with dogs and he even discovers that he has the ability to connect with animals – it’s an old gift which is hated by people and it’s called the Wit. I especially liked his process of growing up, where a reader can clearly see the process how an ignorant and shy boy slowly matures into an independent guy who can also use his brains.

Other characters are presented one-sided. Those who are good, have a positive impact on Fitz’s life, and those who are bad, are making his life miserable. But despite this fact, all characters are well presented and I must say, that the bad ones were presented so well that I really hated them.

I really loved and it seemed excellent to me that every chapter begins with a short presentation or “introduction” – about the world (Six Duchies), customs and tradition, politics, … That helped me to understand a story, written by Fitz himself, easier. And yes, this book is written as a memoir and Fritz himself is writing it.

About the fantasy world, we don’t get to know much. In the beginning of the book, is printed a map of Six Duchies and surroundings, so that the reader can get a feeling about it and can look what happens where. But the reader doesn’t learn much about other places. The story is taking place in two or three parts, the rest is shrouded in mystery. Probably other places emerge in next books. Like many other things. Because even when I finished a book, I still had a lot of questions, whose answers I will probably get when I’ll read sequels. And in a way, this is quite annoying because some reader can’t understand some specific connections and certain events remain unexplained.

But still I had so much fun while reading this book and I really enjoyed it. Especially in the second half of the book, where I got sucked into the story and I can’t wait to read next book.

Rating: 4/5 stars

What did you think about this book? Or the whole trilogy? Did you read any other Robin Hobb books?


Book Review: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Title: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Author: Douglas Adams11

Arthur Dent is having a bad day. After he wakes up, he has to face workers who have come to demolished his house. Sadly, Dent’s house is standing exactly at the spot, where the freeway is going to be build. But soon he realizes that this is his smallest problem. Unfortunately, this is also a day, when a Vogons, one of the least pleasant species in Galaxy, arrives at the Earth to demolished it. The Earth is exactly in the spot, where a galactic freeway is going to be build.
But Arthur Dent is saved by his friend, Ford Prefect, who is actually an undercover alien. Thus, their adventure through Galaxy begins and soon they end up on a spaceship, stolen by Zaphod Beeblebrox. They also meet Trillian and depressed robot Marvin.

Finally, I read this book! And now I have a problem, what to write about this cult classic. It’s always hard to write about classics because I have a feeling like everything was already written. Uh!

I think this book is great. I read in a day, which is not surprising considering this book has only around 160 pages.

While reading, I only had one problem… So much was going on! There was too much of everything, all was happening so fast and at times, it was difficult to follow, what was going on. The plot is really simple – the Earth is destroyed and the traveling through the Galaxy begins. But in between, Adams is passing so many informations, which are otherwise really funny, but because of them, I was lost between text many times.

Because of that, the characters were not so well developed. It’s true, that they were likable and some of them very British, but there is no actual emphasis on them since everything is focused on describing the unusual facts and wonders that can be found in Galaxy. Which was a little sad, because depressed robot Marvin was really funny and in its own way cute character, and I would love to read about him a bit more.

However, the humor was amazing. It’s very British, which is a humor that I like. Those short stories/facts added between main plot are totally random but extremely entertaining. And perhaps because of this, a book appears as a quick read, not worthy of later consideration of certain matters. Nevertheless this first impression, I was surprised later, that behind the humor, there is so much more. There’s a lot of philosophy in book and questions about fundamental issues. But it’s true that everything is slyly included between text.

I can easily say, that I will definitely reread this book someday. But first I want to read sequels. And I hope that there would be more Marvin in them.

Rating: 4/5

Did you read this book? What are your thoughts about it? Are other as funny as this one or even better?


Book Review: Adam’s Legacy

Title: Adam’s Legacy

Author: Astrid Rosenfeld10125238

When I checked the Goodreads page of this book I noticed, that it’s not yet translated into English. Originally it was published in Germany but I read translated version.
The book title in the German language:
Adams Erbe.

The book interweaves the story of two generations of one Jewish family.
First, there is a story about young Edward Cohen, who lives without a father, with mother Magda, grandmother Lara and grandfather Moses. They all remind him of his amazing resemblance to grandfather’s brother Adam. However, nobody wants to talk about him. They just remind him how Adam disappeared without a trace with all of the family money, which they saved for escaping from Nazi Germany during Second World War.
But one day, Edward discovers Adam’s legacy in the attic of a family house. The book, which was written by Adam, unveils what actually happened with Adam.

I liked the first part of the book. Edward is a really funny character, as well as his family. The story is full of humor and fun adventures of Edward and his stepfather Jack (also know as The King). Jack is a person who enters into Cohen family really unexpectedly but had a huge impact on their lives. Some of the situations were almost unbelievable but that makes a story even more entertaining.
The topic of the second part of the book is more serious and so is the writing. I always liked reading about Second World War, despite the sadness and helplessness, I feel while reading. Adam’s tragic fate, which is full of sacrifices, for which the family does not even know, really touches the heart. The story describes the life and tragedy of Jews, Adam’s unrequited love and sacrifices of many individuals.
I really can’t say much about characters. I liked them all, except Jack. I think he was extremely egocentric and his attitude was just awful. I felt bad for Edward who idealized him so much and I think that he would deserve better father figure in his life. It’s good that his grandmother also had a huge impact on him.
On the other hand, I felt sorry for Adam, because he didn’t deserve such life. But… who did? Jewish persecution and following conditions – nobody deserves such a life. Nevertheless, Adam always stayed optimistic and was full of hope for future.
Mainly, this is a book about relationships. About those, who are full of love and the ones, who are triggered by the hate which leads to tragic acts and events.


Rating: 4/5 stars

What do you think about history books, particular the ones including Second World War? Do you have any book recommendations?